A survey was conducted during December and January to learn what people across the Australian AI community would like to see take place – and who might have some energy and time to support various activities.
45 people responded to the survey, although four people did not complete it, so LimeSurvey (the online tool we used) could not incorporate their responses into the overall results.
Results obtained from the completed responses have been collated into this downloadable pdf file:
Download this document to:
- Learn what activities people were most interested to see happen
- Discover which activities attracted the most interest from people who would like to help make them happen
- Read the great comments and suggestions made by those who responded
The majority (40 of 41) people ratified the name for our community, which has been modifed for this website and used in the survey results document: Appreciative Inquiry Australia … sharing and learning together
38 of the 41 respondants also ratified the Statement of Purpose for the Thinking Partners group. However, as the remaining three people also had valuable suggestions for modifications, the Thinking Partners group will review the Statement of Purpose before publishing the final outcome on this site.
All those who expressed interest in contributing their time and energy to make things happen have given permission to share contact details with others interested in the same area(s). We will therefore be putting those folk in touch with one another so they will be able to collaborate on planning and action steps. What emerges from those interest groups can also be shared on this website if they wish, allowing opportunities for others to become involved.
There were also suggestions made for additional activites – or for improving the list that had been included in the survey. Further information about these will no doubt be forthcoming in time from those who have suggested them.
We hope you will enjoy reading the survey results and the comments that people have added to their responses.
Finally, the Thinking Partners group would would like to thank all those who responded. Your input and suggestions are very much appreciated!
No doubt various exciting initiatives and activities will emerge as people begin working with one another to make things happen. So “watch this space” to keep abreast of news and announcements! 🙂