During the f0rum, Chris Bennett was able to snatch a few moments between sessions with five of our participants.
We thank them for giving us permission to record their comments, which are captured here in a flash show, simply entitled Five Voices. (View it by clicking on the link below)
They have captured for us some of the energy we experienced during the forum, as well as the generative and collaborative spirit with which we hope to move forward as an Appreciative Inquiry community here in Australia.
Hi Sue and Chris!
What a great event! What a great start for practitioners in Australia connecting with each other!
It is going to be great to hear even more about AI in Australia with the May 2011 AI Practitioner issue that Dayle O’Brien and Sallie Lee are bringing together.
May the group have even more wonderful get togethers and inspiring conversations over the years. I know the UK and European Networks have been great places for me to explore and learn with colleagues who have become friends.
Warm wishes,
Anne Radford in London
Hi Sue and Chris,
Thank you for such an enjoyable day. Such a privilege to be there with everyone.
How generous of you all to make this opportunity available. I hope that I will be able to assist in some way in the future.
Warm wishes,
Jenni Dunn